This photos are available on the sale all year long in the gallery Blin more Blin, 46 kicks of the University, Paris 7 - Phone : 033 (0) 142 860 778

Supernatural stories

2022 Morges Suisse - Espace Beausobre - Festival de la Salamandre

ALLIANCES, RUSES ET STRATAGÈMES ENTRE PLANTES ALLIANCES, RUSES AND SCHEMES BETWEEN PLANTS AND INSECTS… Internationally renowned photographer and renowned for his clean nature photos, Stéphane Hette tells us through this exhibition incredible stories of alliance, manipulation and rivalries between small animals and plants.You will never look at spiders, flowers or butterflies the same way again!This exhibition accompanies the release of the book Supernatural Stories published by the Salamander. Stéphane Hette will be present during the three days of the festival to dedicate his work. He will be accompanied by the author of the work, Gregory Roeder.